Few things in a South Carolina workers’ comp case can make you feel as frightened or helpless as the doctor releasing you when you’re convinced there’s more that can be done to make you better.

But just because that doctor gives up doesn’t mean you should. This is your only case to fix the only body you’ll ever get. It’s time to fight for it!

Get A Second Doctors Opinion For Your Workers' Compensation Case

And yes, there’s a very good option you should use—a second opinion. However, you should be cautious and expect the insurance company to oppose it. After all, you’re telling the insurance company you want it to spend more—maybe tens of thousands more—to help you, right after it gets wind the doctor’s ready to close the book on you. Rest assured the insurance company won’t greet the request looking to lend a helping hand. But not only is it worth considering, it’s worth doing right the first time.

A second opinion can make a big difference in your case, but you should meet with an experienced workers’ comp attorney to help you make the best case to get it. You may end up fighting for it at a contested hearing. Don’t risk wrecking your case because you don’t know better. 

Seek Help With A Workers’ Comp Second Opinion to Get More Medical Treatment

Get your questions answered in a free, no pressure strategy session with a Spartanburg, SC workers’ comp attorney. Call toll free at 888-230-1841 or fill out a Get Help Now form.


Rob Usry
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Rob is a Spartanburg personal injury lawyer. Rob also practices as a workers' compensation attorney.