This is what you need to know. These people are kind, professional, and critically for me, won't make you pay to speak to someone just to give you their average cost based on average number of hours. Just look at their site, they're clearly trying to make you as informed as possible before you've paid anything. They're clear that it's an average or starting point, but they were the one place I called that I not only gave me estimated amounts but didn't make me fight them for it. That kind of transparency is what made me go with them and it was a great choice. Every single aspect of my file was managed with great attention to detail and was given priority, they worked hard to communicate everything with me and work with my specific needs. That's a lot any year but especially this year. I absolutely recommend Mr Holland to anyone. Very comfortable to talk to, does everything he can to set you at ease and make sure he's met all your needs.
Lisa, Spartanburg divorce/family law client