Looking for Answers to Your South Carolina Legal Problem? We're Here to Guide You Find Your Way Through Your Legal Challenge.

We Offer You One Thing You Really Need- Helpful Information About Your South Carolina Case.

Legal problems- even when they're not your fault- can shake you and leave you wondering who to turn to, who to trust, and what your future holds.

As Spartanburg, South Carolina attorneys, we've seen the worry, grief, confusion, and fear written all over our clients' faces when they first come to see us. An important way we've found to help relieve it is to educate our people about the legal system. Here's how you can learn more about your case:

  • If you want your questions answered directly, contact us! You can call toll free 888-230-1841, fill out a Get Help Now form, or start a live chat. For any injury, DUI, or criminal case, you can even schedule a FREE, no pressure strategy session. Family court cases require a consultation fee- we'll explain why.
  • You've stumbled upon what we hope is a goldmine of information right here on this website. Search our free ArticlesBlogsFrequently Asked Questions, and Videos to find out more about your case. 
  • But we've gone even further. To teach you the basics of how the South Carolina legal system works in certain cases we handle regularly, we offer three FREE books!

Your Case Is About You, and We're Here to Help.

Our #1 burning question is always, what can we do to help you? Even if you don't need a lawyer- and some cases just don't- we're here to point you in the right direction and shed some light on your situation. Let us know how we can help.

Do it in the way that's easiest for you.

Call toll free 888-230-1841 or Get Help Now.