Our team earned a great settlement for a car accident around Cowpens near Gaffney, South Carolina. What truly made it great was it was for exactly the amount our client Keon hoped. While he did suffer a broken right foot, he didn't need surgery.

I'm convinced we got him a bigger settlement due to a couple of factors:

  1. We proved the unique impact of the injury on Keon's young, active lifestyle.
  2. I used a picture to enhance the severity of the crash, intensifying the consequences of the at-fault driver's carelessness.

Proving a Gaffney, South Carolina Car Accident Is Worse Than It Looks

On April 22, 2022, around 1:42 p.m., Keon, a 24-year-old life insurance agent, drives on Hwy 110 near Gaffney on his way to see clients. As he approaches the intersection of E. Cudd Rd, the at-fault driver sits at a stop sign, then inexplicably pulls out in front of him.

Keon takes evasive action, swerving to avoid hitting her. But his concern for her safety sacrifices his. Despite hitting the brakes, he runs off the road into a steep ditch and slams into a tree.

Pictures Keon got from the scene didn't show how treacherous that ditch was. So I got creative, using a Google Earth picture of the crash scene so the insurance adjuster could appreciate the steepness of the ditch.

Proving "Relatively Minor" Injuries May Have a Bigger Effect Due to Who You Are

As promised to everyone whose case we take, I made Keon's case about him. On the surface, the injury didn't look like much-a few months of treatment with $9,000 in medical bills.

That's where I proved who Keon is to show the true impact of the injuries on him. In our demand letter to the insurance company, I pointed out ' 'Keon's physical appearance is vital to him. He's an athlete who played college football and basketball and ran track in high school. Keon measures himself by how much he can lift, how far he can run, and how well he plays basketball – in addition to how he can support himself in his newfound young adult independence. 

For about a month, while he was on crutches, Keon was largely disabled. A proud athlete who measured himself by his physical prowess lost his self-image. His injuries kept him from traveling to see clients and going to networking events to the point it cost him his job. Being young and determined, he found another one fast. But until then, he was forced to live on credit cards. This was especially stressful for him because ' 'he's striving for the American dream, home ownership. The added debt drove down his credit score, hurting his chances of buying a home. This active, driven young man was stripped of his ability to work and deal with the stress, fright, and worry that came from it because he couldn't exercise or play basketball. 

I also pointed out he's still nagged by the injuries now. When Keon runs or lifts heavy weights, his right foot erupts with quick, sharp stabs. It limits his ability to exercise. When it hurts, he is forced to put weight on his opposite foot. Sometimes it stops him in his tracks.   

After some serious negotiations, the adjuster finally agreed to pay $50,000. I'll always remember the joy in Keon's voice when he told me, "That's exactly what I wanted!"

Lessons Learned

I reaffirmed my commitment to making every client's case about the client. If I hadn't put the work in to understand who Keon is as a person, I would have never gotten the result for him I did.

I'm always excited to use creativity to improve my case, so I'm glad I had the chance to have fun with Google Maps to convince the insurance company of the severity of the crash the at-fault driver caused.


Rob Usry
Connect with me
Rob is a Spartanburg personal injury lawyer. Rob also practices as a workers' compensation attorney.