If you’re charged with DUI, you quickly realize a lot of bad things can happen if you're convicted.
SR-22 auto insurance is one of them. Here’s what you need to know.
SR-22 Insurance Explained
- What SR-22 is. SR-22 is actually the name of a form your insurance company files with the DMV to prove you have auto insurance. It’s required for drivers who are deemed a high risk: the DMV needs extra assurance they’ve got insurance coverage to pay for a wreck if they cause one.
- You only get SR-22 if you’re convicted of DUI or DUAC. Until then, you’ve got nothing but the opportunity to avoid the pain of conviction. That’s why you owe it to yourself to meet with an experienced DUI defense attorney to strategize how to win your case.
- It’ll cost you more in auto insurance premiums. Costs vary. You’ll have an embarrassing talk with your insurance agent, and you may even lose your coverage if your current insurance carrier doesn’t offer SR-22. If that happens, you’ll have to shop it yourself.
- You’ve got to have it for three years. It’s the law.
- There’s no real way around it. If you’re required to have SR-22 but don’t, the law (S.C. Code § 56-5-520) forbids both a license to be issued to you and a car being registered in your name.
Like everything else associated with a DUI conviction, why suffer through it without a fight, or at least the peace of mind knowing you did all you could to prevent it? SR-22 is just one more monster from a parade of terribles that results from a conviction.
Does your insurance company really need more money? Don’t give them a handout, fight the charge.
Remember, if you have been charged with DUI, you might have defenses you don’t even know about. In fact, that’s a major part of the reason I wrote my FREE report on defending DUI cases, which you should read! And you can always call our office at 888-230-1841 for a free strategy session to start building your defense.