No. The United States Tax Code Section 104(a)(1) specifically excludes workers’ compensation settlements from taxes.

Just Because the IRS Can’t Take It Away From You Doesn’t Mean the Insurance Company Won’t

South Carolina workers’ compensation cases are far from being just gravy for employees. The first thing you need to know is that you’re facing a tightfisted insurance company that wants to keep its money to itself by not paying you—no matter how much you deserve it. The best way for them to do that is by taking advantage of an injured employee who doesn’t know about the complexities of South Carolina workers’ compensation cases.

That’s what we’re here for. I’m a Spartanburg workers’ compensation attorney. I know the maze of laws and miles of red tape put up by insurance companies that can keep South Carolina workers’ compensation beneficiaries from a fair settlement. As a service to folks like you, I wrote a book about your rights in non-legal language that normal people can actually understand. Even better, we offer it to you as a FREE download.  

I'm also here to answer your South Carolina workers’ comp questions answered in a free, no pressure strategy session. Call toll free at 888-230-1841 or fill out a Get Help Now form.

The main reason I wrote the book is that I found an alarming number of workers’ compensation clients have NO idea what South Carolina workers’ compensation is and how it works.

And folks need to know how their cases work. I’ve learned in my years of experience as a legal professional that in South Carolina workers’ compensation cases, even simple settlements can be complex.

It’s especially vital to protect your rights if:

Getting a South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Settlement Can Be Easier Than You Think

If you’re seriously injured, you just can’t trust the insurance company to look out for your best interests. It will only look after its profits. That’s you need a Spartanburg workers’ compensation attorney.

At our firm, we strive to make it easy on you. Check out our process to streamline getting your workers’ compensation settlement.  

And there’s no obligation if you reach out to us. To get your questions answered, call toll-free at 888-230-1841 or fill out a Get Help Now form.

There’s no need to stress over what it’s like to meet with me in a FREE, EASY strategy session. I’ve got nothing to hide about what folks say about us: read our reviews we don’t script, edit, or pay for on an attorney review website we don’t own, plus Google.  

Contact us today to start getting peace of mind about your case!


Rob Usry
Connect with me
Rob is a Spartanburg personal injury lawyer. Rob also practices as a workers' compensation attorney.