We can't speak for how every lawyer handles an injury or worker's comp case, but we can tell you the basic steps we take handling most cases. Our overriding goal is maximizing your compensation for your injuries. Achieving that not only requires doing the "little things" we discuss here, but analyzing all the evidence to present it thoroughly and meaningfully to convince an insurance company, opposing counsel, comp commissioner, or jury that compensating you well is the right thing to do.
Folks this is the basic way we handle most workers’ comp or injury cases. First we're going to get a thorough understanding of how you got hurt. We'll do that by talking to you, then we'll gather other evidence like pictures remember those speak a thousand words. Will get police reports if there are any. We’ll also talk to witnesses and see what they have to say. As we go through your case we're going to get a thorough understanding of the impact your injuries have had on your life. We’ll work closely with you to make sure we understand that because one of the biggest part of your cases is your pain and limitations. To that end, when the time is right we'll get all your medical bills and records and we may even speak with your doctor to help get a questionnaire together that will give a snapshot of your condition to get the insurance company to see settlement is the right thing to do.
When we have all the evidence we will make a settlement evaluation for you and then you and I will set a goal to settle your case and we'll go for it. To do that we sent a demand letter to the insurance company that gives it all the reasons it needs to know settlement is the right thing to do. Hopefully they'll get it and do the right thing and settle. If not, we'll file suit or if its workers compensation case we'll just request a hearing. By then we will have done so much work on your case will be practically ready to go forward to trial or a hearing. So does it sound like a lot of work? Well it is! But it's our work and we're delighted to do it for folks like you so if you've got an injury case you're worried you might need some help one feel free to send us an email right where you're sitting from our website and we'll schedule a free strategy session to see how we can work together to help you. I thank you for thinking about this with me.
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