When you face a life-altering event, you want relevant and informative guidance from a lawyer you can trust. Learn more about your case with our legal blog written by Holland & Usry attorneys for Gaffney, Spartanburg, Union, and other South Carolina cities and counties.
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Typical South Carolina Drug Charges and the Punishment You Might FaceIf I’m charged with a South Carolina drug crime, what penalties am I facing? An SC drug defense attorney reveals typical drug charges and potential punishments.
Police Can’t Knock Down Your Door Without a Justified EmergencyBefore police enter property, they usually need a warrant. There’s an exception for emergencies if they can prove it, explains an SC criminal defense lawyer.
The Real Scales of Justice: The Unknown Accuracy of a Scale Wins a New Trial in a Drug Dealing CaseSouth Carolina drug charges are often based on weight. A Supreme Court case shows a defense can come from an unexpected source, reports a drug defense attorney.
Evidence You Should Get From the Police or the Prosecutor in Your Criminal CaseWhat evidence should you expect to get from the police or prosecutor in a criminal case? Read more on how a South Carolina criminal defense attorney explains.
Understanding the Role of Police Informants in South Carolina Criminal Drug Charge CasesWhat exactly do informants do in South Carolina drug cases? Why do they do it? A Spartanburg criminal defense attorney sheds light on these shadowy characters.
How South Carolina's Stand Your Ground Works—or Not—in Real LifeReal-life cases show asserting self-defense under South Carolina’s Stand Your Ground law requires skilled legal help. A criminal defense attorney explains.
Copping A Feel: South Carolina Police Can’t Reach in Your Pockets If You’re Unarmed, Unless There’s an Obvious ReasonCan SC police reach in your pockets during a pat-down if you’re unarmed? A South Carolina criminal defense attorney explains your rights.
Solicitor's Intervention Programs: Another Option To Get Criminal Domestic Violence Charges Removed From Your South Carolina RecordDid you know there’s another option to get domestic violence charges off your record, if you can qualify for it? A SC criminal defense attorney explains.
When You Get Arrested at Home, Police Can’t Necessarily Search It Without a WarrantCan South Carolina police search your house looking for other suspects if you get arrested? Can they use evidence they find? A criminal defense attorney explains.
Police Can't Just Stop You For No Reason, Ask Anything They Want, Or Search Your Car Just Because They Pulled You OverIf police pull you over, it doesn’t mean they can search everything or keep asking about anything. A SC criminal defense lawyer points out the limits.