When you’re the victim of a car or motorcycle accident, getting a settlement for your injuries just won’t be as easy as it should be. Battling the insurance company just to get a good settlement can be exhausting. Unlike you, the insurance company has billions of dollars, is loaded with professionals trained to lowball your settlement, and has lawyers at their disposal. If you’re seriously hurt, you can level the playing field with your own car accident injury attorney- and there’s lots of reasons why you should.
Lucky for you, our Spartanburg, SC car and motorcycle accident attorney offers a free, no pressure strategy session to answer your questions in a laid-back format so you can do the right thing for you. Call toll free at 888-230-1841 or fill out a Get Help Now form.
Still, there’s a lot you can do to help yourself. Here’s seven things you should do after a South Carolina car or motorcyle accident to help your case:
- Call the police to make a report. Having a police report can be enormously beneficial to your claim. Call the police right away to come and document the accident. This professional, independent account of what happened can help show you were not at fault. But beware- the document you get at the scene is NOT the official police report. And if you're found at fault when you're not, don't panic. A mistaken accident report can be overcome.
- Take pictures of the wrecked vehicles. at the scene, if you can. They truly are worth a thousand words, and can be some of the most important evidence in the case. It's vital to do this ASAP because the insurance company will try to make that evidence disapper as fast as possible. Yes, that's dirty, but this is what you're dealing with. If you can't take pictures at the scene, find out where the vehicles got towed so you can get pictures there, or send your attorney to do it.
- Get witness contact information. Independent eyewitness accounts can crush any defense the accident was your fault. If the officer interviews anyone, hopefully their contact info will end up on his report so they can be reached later.
- Seek immediate medical care. Your adrenaline surges after a collision. This can hide some serious injuries. Seek medical attention to help uncover these injuries so they don't worsen and you can document them as a consequence of the crash. It also defeats the insurance company's beloved defense, "You didn't go straight to the hospital, so you couldn't have been hurt." By the way, that can be overcome, but it can take a skilled, experienced car accident attorney to do it.
- Take pictures of visible injuries. These usually look their worst at first, so it's important to record it. This is especially true for deep cuts or broken bones. It's powerful, indisputable evidence how badly you got hurt in the accident.
- Get informed. Since you've found your way to our website, Congratulations! You're already doing that. You need information about your case, to get an idea how it works. Information is power, and we're here to pull back the veil to help car and motorcycle accident victims. As a service to folks like you, I wrote this downloadable FREE BOOK on South Carolina car and motorcycle crash cases.
- Contact an experienced car and motorcycle accident lawyer. You will have an inevitable battle with the insurance company, starting with you initial contact with the claims handler. Remember between you and the insurance company, they’re the professionals at handling crash claims and you’re the amateur. If you're seriously hurt, going it alone is extremely risky. If you mention an attorney to the adjuster, expect them to fight you hard about it- you should know why they do that and how to counteract it. Consultng an experienced car accident lawyer can keep you from wrecking your claim without even knowing it. Even if you end up not needing a lawyer, it won’t hurt to meet with one to help you decide if you do. Worst case scenario, we can give you free pointers how to handle your claim.
A Spartanburg Car and Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help Guide You Through the Long, Often-Confusing Process
By following these crucial steps you can go a long way towards protecting your case and your rights. But understand this: the insurance company isn't here to make your case simple or easy. And you might have extra insurance you need on YOUR OWN policy, which is why we always review our client's policies for this potentially critical coverage.
You don't have to deal with the insurance company alone. We're Spartanburg car and motorcycle accident attorneys, and we're here for you. You can learn even more about the process by calling us toll free at 888-230-1841 or filling out a Get Help Now form. You'll get answers from an experienced car and motorcycle accident attorney, either on the phone or by scheduling a FREE, EASY strategy session.
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